Monday, April 1, 2019

Above and Below

Michael Philip Atkins Tokyo


  1. Hello again...Can I nominate you for the Liebster Award (a.k.a. Mystery Blogger Award) ? I hope so..Info is below..So, What Is The Mystery Blogger Award? Have fun..Therese

    “Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.

    – Okoto Enigma



    Put the award logo/image on your blog
    List the rules.
    Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
    Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
    Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
    You have to nominate 3 people
    Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
    Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny questions.Three Things You Might Not Know About Me

    As a recipient of the Mystery Blogger Reward, I am compelled to reveal 3 secrets.
    1. I have always wanted to learn how to play an accordion...
    2. My daughter's cat's name is Basil.
    3. My house was built in 1887.
    Now I must answer five questions....placed before me...

    What inspired you to start blogging?
    Originally it was about coffee. I would find a quote..stop the movie ..draw out the moment and then blog about the movie or actors and anything I was thinking about at the moment. Sometimes I did poetry.. The second half of my blog is called Dictionary Poetry..From a very large dictionary..I found it in my Dad's Condo library, I told him I was bringing it home. I'm picking out words in the A's still...since November...

    If you were given a chance to be a famous person in the ’80s who will you chose? And why?
    I think I would like to Cher...Singing and dancing on stage with all those gorgeous outfits on.

    Do you ever go outside without your phone?
    Of course..when I'm in the garden..I'm sometimes afraid I'll leave it outside accidentally...

    What’s your favorite animal?
    It's definitely not a turkey...Or a worm...Maybe a dolphin...or otter...strangely both water animals....

    Do you read books? If so, what kind?
    I love to read personal motto is ...When stressed ..go to the library..Having books around me give me comfort. I love checking out cookbooks...and I love reading murder mysteries...
    Thank-you Jessica Larson...for nominating me....Here's her blog again....

    The three bloggers I'm nominating for the Mystery Blogger Award are :
    1. The or He's been blogging for 7 years ..One time I asked him which wine to pair with my designated food for my story line..and he told me..I love that kind of energy.
    2. She told me once that she and her mom would read the dictionary like a book..Of course I loved this comment.
    3. Michael Atkins at I always get the sensation like the scene is right before my eyes...All my senses are on high alert...I can feel a slight breeze ...hear people talking...setting up their shops..smell food cooking....

    Five be all...
    1. Favorite kind of food and why?
    2. If you had to choose which mode of travel you could use...which would it be?
    Camel? Donkey or Elephant? And why?
    3. Do you speak more than one language ? And what are they?
    4. If you were a Billionaire Philanthropist...where would you put your money to make a difference in the world?
    5. My dad once ate a chocolate covered ant and grasshopper...Can you top that? And did you enjoy eating them and think I have to do that again or never!

    Good Luck!

  2. Thank you! I appreciate it so much. 😊Will be posting about this soon.
